Friday, November 04, 2005

1996: Glass, trees and La Ruta Maya

Still working in the basement of Long's College Bookstore...Signed up for Richard's Hot glass class again...Brian gave me a ride in the Long's van to set up an installation in the trees outside the glass studio...I applied for a job at Re: Art...Bill (Tesher) got it...I had a crush on Bill...He came to my Yard Sale and told me about Morphine, the band that had just played at Bernie's the night before...I waited in the Mexico City airport for Kym...I had just had a shot of Depropravera(sp?) which, looking back, may have been a mistake...I think it made me extremely irritable...I like to blame that for the argument Kym and I had in San Christobal. It was a good trip though...I didn't become fluent in Spanish (can I blame that on the shot too?) but I did see some things and do some thinking...many days of solitude...I met some Germans at Lagos de Colores...Took a crazy bus ride to Xela...Had a terrible bout of herpes...went hiking to a hot spring in the surrounding mountains...hung out with Kym's Host Family...took some more language classes...saw a four star hotel...went to Garfundia...Hung out with frenchies...took a long boat ride north to the pyrAmids...hitchhiked to Belize...saw the largest butterfly ever...found Mauricio in Playa del Carmen...He took me in...he fasted I rested...back in Mexico DF I stayed at Casa De Los Amigos...watched We Once Were Kings...met some good people...went dancing.


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